Saturday, November 7, 2009


I am Catherine, or catherinexcatastrophe (my other blog is  This is my wellness blog, where I’ll log all my health and well-being findings for you to ponder and maybe try out.

I care a lot about my health, but, like most of us, I don’t have the time to run miles every day or prepare fresh-cooked meals ALL THE TIME.  I’m a student looking for a “quick fix.”

Besides a student, I’m a singer, actress, and avid biker (among other things, such as activist, mediator, and go-to-man).  With my busy schedule, I figure I need to be healthy, right?  Easier said than done.

I’m embarking on a journey to better my health, one step at a time, which you can read about in my blog.  I’ll address a ton of topics, such as dyslexia and other learning disorders; Irlen’s syndrome (scotopic sensitivity); depression; anxiety; and other phsychological disorders; fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue; diet: what’s the best?; insomnia; autism; headaches; and more.

To start, I’d like to take a poll.  Please select whichever BEST describes you–it will help me a lot if you do this!

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