Thursday, October 29, 2009

Joe Greer

If I were to dress up as a doctor for Halloween, perhaps I’d be Greer and add wings on my back.  Greer is an absolute angel.  He doesn’t just serve people with insurance, but he also takes in people who have nothing to offer him.  His services awarded him a “2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom, for his 25 years of dedication, at a White House ceremony with President Obama.”

I wish a person like Greer didn’t surprise me that he even exists.  I mean, who heard of such a thing, a doctor who got into the business for the right reasons?  I’m shocked!!

I’d rather not be shocked.  I’d rather be shocked when people don’t help others.  I’d rather be shocked that a crime was committed on the street and there was one person who didn’t try and help.

It is comforting though that someone like Greer is out there, and that he is teaching.  Maybe just maybe the world CAN become a better place and that health care for all is right around the corner.  :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It Isn't Easy Being Gigi

Ok… So we had our history lesson of me. Nice… Just what you wanted to know, huh? And you are probably asking why I would air my laundry out there about my health. I mean heck! I am violating my own HIPAA! You know, I am an educator. My name is Angela, it means messenger. No one knows what I will say next. But seriously, I am doing this because no one understands this disease, even the Drs. I have yet to go out and research it either. This has got to be the first time in my life that I have obeyed Drs. They tell me “No”, “You stay away from that Google search engine and that term Fibromyalgia.” I am getting a daily dose of hands on learning with this disease. To tell you the truth, I am scared. But you’ll never see it.

I love to laugh. I am sarcastic and love make others laugh. However, I have my game face on most of the time. There are only two people that see through my mask on a regular basis. But even they don’t understand. I don’t tell them all of it, anyone for that matter. It is inconceivable of how much pain I feel and I cannot put it into words. I am mentally in a perpetual screaming or crying match. Have you seen that painting “The Scream” by Edvard Munch? I can relate. Only God  knows how I stay sane. He must be carrying me throughout the day while I do what I gotta do. It is also very disgusting to whine, so I don’t. The meds take the edge off, but don’t eliminate everything. And there are side effects. To which you have to add another pill for that and then the process goes on and on. At my last appt. I told my Dr. I wanted off my meds. Yes… I know. Why would I knowingly put myself in full fledged pain? Because I have been in full fledged pain for 12 years without meds and my body functions worked normally. If you are not grasping my meaning, I am referring to the digestive area. It’s gone kaput.  Of course the Dr. disagreed with me and out me on a different medication. Joy!

“Topamax”, he says… “will allow your body to work normally and you’ll lose some weight. Some common side effects are tingling, short term memory loss, hot flashes with sweating… and you may forget what you are saying at times”

I said, “Jeez… so I am going to have a romance and not remember it?

For those of you that don’t know, Topamax is affectionately called the “stupid pill”. I feel stupider every day. Just sayin’.

- Gigi

The Joy of Comfortable Sex: A Guide for Couples with Back or Neck Pain by Dr. Pierre Angier

If you suffer from chronic pain, you are not alone. Over 50 million people in the United States suffer from persistent back or neck pain. It is no surprise that most of them report that their pain significantly affects their sex lives. If you are one of those 50 million, we can help. The Joy of Comfortable Sex: A Guide for Couples with Back or Neck Pain by Dr. Pierre Angier provides you with the resources you need to reduce or eliminate your pain and start leading a healthier, happier life.

In this book you will learn:

  • Effective strategies to manage or eliminate your pain;
  • Sexual techniques and positions to use even when you’re hurting;
  • Alternatives to intercourse that you’ll both love;
  • Communication skills that will help you become a great lover;
  • Easy ways to keep sex interesting and fun.

The Joy of Comfortable Sex also includes special sections on fibromyalgia, TMJ, and non-surgical treatment options for herniated discs. Photos of stabilization exercises and illustrations of comfortable sex positions are placed throughout the book.

Order your copy today through Excelsior Books, LLC  (click here to add to shopping cart).  Enter coupon code blog10 to receive 10% off the book price.

Or ,if you prefer, click here to buy from .

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vitamin D Supplementation Can Reduce Neuropathy, Autoimmune Inflammation and Migraine Pain

Publication Date: June 2008

Neuropathy – A recently reported prospective study of 51 patients with type 2 diabetes and

associated chronic, painful neuropathy found that conservative vitamin D supplementation

(about 2000 IU/day) for 3 months resulted in nearly a 50% decrease in pain scores, with

symptoms improving from “distressing” to “mild” on average [Lee and Chen 2008]. There had

been an earlier case report of a patient with type 1 diabetes whose severe neuropathy had

confined her to a wheelchair. This patient’s aches and pains were resolved by high-dose vitamin

D supplementation, and she reportedly was able to walk unassisted within 4 weeks

[Prabhala et al. 2000].

You Are What You EAT: Terrorism In America

So, what would you call a group of people who knowingly introduce foods into the market place that are toxic and that lead to different health problems.  You know, things like cancer, auto-immune diseases, death?  What if a foreign country were to do this to the American food supply.  Would this be an act of war?  A terrorist act?

Why, then, is the fact that American companies have done this known as good business and commerce?  Profit, success, corporate progress?  Why isn’t it terrorism?

Oh, yeah.  Because the government sanctioned it.  Thank the EPA, the FDA, and our friends–you know, people like Donald Rumsfeld.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, it’s time you did some research on Aspartame, genetic engineering (Monsanto), Round-Up Ready food, BT food, BT cotton…don’t take my word for it.

Oh, and the next time you are about to take a bite to eat, or take a sip of some non-organic beverage, I hope you realize that you might as well be eating and drinking herbicides, pesticides, e-coli, and other choice ingredients, because you are.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The F word... Fibromyalgia

I have learned so much in the last 18 months. Things I could have gone a lifetime without learning… and quite frankly been okay. In the last 5 years I have been to the doctor off and on so many times I have lost count. I have felt stupid, crazy, frustrated… but for all of you out there who have gone through this experience, I don’t have to tell you. You already know. You have the F word too… FIBROMYALGIA.

Once you are diagnosed with the F word, you may feel like you are getting closure but it’s really only the beginning of your next F phase… FRUSTRATION. You thought you were getting out of that phase… but NO! At least not me. This, I have found out, is a medical condition that has no cure, no visible signs that you are not well and has not been 100% accepted by the medical field. WONDERFUL. “Welcome to the the F world people, hang on to your seats, this is going to be a rough ride!”

Whenever I see people who know I am not feeling well, I feel like I should look like shit so people will accept that I feel like shit. I should paint all of the places on my body that hurt a bright pink so that it will be obvious. Instead, my lucky ass, gets to be the one who can no longer finish the simplest sentences or remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago or even 5 seconds ago. Noone gets that brain fog has anything to do with the F word, people just think I’m stressed out, exhausted or just stupid. My foggy brain is a world I seem to live in 99% of my life these days… I can remember when I was smart. I can remember the days when I could actually train a room full of adults. Today, I’d have to play charades just to get through my first sentence presenting to a room full of first graders! So now you know my 3rd F word for today… FOGGY.

What I really hate? All the support groups that I went to online thinking there would be good ideas to help me feel better. What I found were too many online support groups with a bunch of sad people talking about how miserable they are…  in the end I got horribly depressed. Not to mention all those F’ING (my 4th F word for today) QUACKS trying to sell the miracle drugs that will cure us in 6 weeks or less!  Seriously… I’m in pain and in a brain fog… I AM NOT COMPLETELY STUPID!! These people have got to be stopped. I mean seriously… put the money towards research..

So what am I telling all this for? After taking 5 years to get diagnosed… 18 months after being diagnosed to finally get into a treatment program… that is 6 1/2 years of my life. That’s pure craziness! I am ready to take control and help others as well. Blogging seems to be the thing these days. I just wanted a place for me to share my journey with this crazy thing called Fibromyalgia.

This is my first blog and I hope it helps others. I am here to learn, share and network. I hope you share with me as well…

Thank you for reading!

Some excellent sources of information:

What is Fibromyalgia:

National Fibromyalgia Association

WebMd: Fibromyalgia

Friday, October 16, 2009

Foot Detox Baths -Study Reveals Decreased Aluminum and Arsenic

Many advertisements for ionic foot baths and foot detox pads claim dramatic reductions in metal and organic toxins, although most do not validate their claims, with any test results.

Some detox foot pad manufacturers publicize graphs, indicating dramatic reductions in hair mineral concentrations of toxic metals, including mercury, lead and cadmium.  Florida Detox and Wellness Institute performed before and after hair mineral testing on someone who used 30 bamboo vinegar detox footpads, in 3 months.  Hair aluminum decreased about 50 percent, while more toxic mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel and arsenic all increased about 100 percent.

One ionic foot bath manufacturer appears to have performed extensive red blood cell mineral testing revealing significant decreases in aluminum and arsenic levels.  I do not have experience with this device or any financial connection to this company, but was impressed with the thoroughness of testing they appear to have performed.  The Metametrix Laboratory is a legitimate clinical laboratory.

Steven Sponaugle, Research Director, Florida Detox and Wellness Institute

Ionic footbaths are currently being used as a way to assist the body in eliminating harmful substances such as heavy metals. The currentstudy examined whether whole blood levels of heavy metals declined in individuals receiving ionic foot bath sessions in conjunction with
meditation and nutritional supplementation. A non-experimental design with no control group was used. Thirty-one participants received ionicfootbaths twice a week for twelve weeks. Whole blood samples were taken prior to starting the sessions and after the twelve week program.
During each ionic footbath session, the participants were instructed to meditate. After each ionic footbath, the participants were instructed to take one ounce of intraMAX™. Whole blood samples were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy to test for levels of
aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. Levels of aluminum and arsenic declined over the study period.  EMPHASIS ADDED
Ionic footbaths are one of a growing number of alternative health care products available to consumers through chiropractors and spas.
Manufacturers of ionic footbaths believe that footbaths assist the body’s natural ability to purge itself of toxins that accumulate in the body over time and potentially diminish the health of the individual. One of the most commercially successful ionic footbaths is the IonCleanse®
which is manufactured and distributed by A Major Difference, Inc.

This report examines whether long term use of ionic footbaths, IonCleanse®, along with meditation, and nutritional supplementation, is associated with the release of different toxins from the body. It is hoped that findings from these studies will help practitioners and their
customers better understand the potential benefits of assisting the body’s natural detoxification process with the Ioncleanse®.
This report focused on five metals humans are commonly exposed to: aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. The current study examined levels of each heavy metal in the whole blood of the people participating in the study. Heavy metal levels were measured before and after the 12 week program to observe any changes in blood levels of those heavy metals.
The five metals studied here are present in the normal environment of all humans, but pose some health risks with acute exposure to high dosages or when too much of the metal accumulates in the body. Information about how humans are exposed to these metals and what is known about their potential impact on health is provided in the next sections. We then describe the research methodology and findings from the current study.

Participants included 31 adults recruited in Colorado (CO) and North Carolina (NC). They ranged in age from 21 to 77 years, with a mean age of 45.4 years. The majority of participants were from Colorado (see Table 1). A variety of methods were used to recruit participants.
• Metal workers at the CO plant that produces components of the IonCleanse® were invited to participate (n =
• People attending an alternative health clinic in North Carolina for other reasons were invited to participate (n =
• Referrals from current IonCleanse® users in CO (n = 15)
Beyond the free IonCleanse® sessions and free supplementation, participants were not compensated for their participation.
Ionic Foot Bath Session
Participants received two ionic footbaths per week for a total of six months, although this study only details results from the first twelve weeks. The IonCleanse® footbath manufactured by A Major Difference, Inc was used for the study. Participants were instructed to relax and
meditate during the ionic foot bath session. There was a minimum of 48 hours between each foot bath session. If participants missed a session, they could reschedule it within the same week as long as there was still a 48 hour lapse between successive sessions. Participants in North Carolina received the sessions at an alternative health clinic. Participants in Colorado received the sessions at the Integrated Health and Energy Center which is a natural health clinic.
Following each session with the IonCleanse®, participants were asked to drink a minimum of eight 8 oz glasses of water within the next 24 hours. They also replaced electrolytes with a 1 oz Intra Max mineral drink.
Blood Analysis
Participants visited a Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp) patient service center where blood was drawn using sterile techniques and stored in the royal blue top tube containing a sodium heparin preparation (Metametrix, 2008a). Whole blood samples were sent by LabCorp to Metametrix laboratories which analyzed the samples using inductively coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS). ICP-MS is a desirable method for analyzing trace elements because of its fast analysis and because of its accuracy and very low detection limits (Worley & Kvech, n.d.). The technology enables the measurement of some elements at the parts per trillion (ppt) level. For example, the threshold for measuring arsenic and lead are 400 – 500 ppt and 50 – 100 ppt respectively.
Metametrix reported outcomes in parts per billion (ppb) and all data presented in this report use that scale. All trace elements were measured in whole blood which according to Metametrix should be interpreted to indicate recent or increased exposure to the tested elements (Metametrix, 2008b).
All participants completed a background questionnaire developed by The Alternative Health Research Foundation that included questions about age, sex, occupation, common health complaints (e.g., nausea, headaches, and fatigue), cigarette use, potential occupational
exposure and major health problems.
Center for Research Strategies, Inc. 6
In the current study, all heavy metals were measured in whole blood. There are a variety of mediums for measuring heavy metal exposure in humans. For example, blood, hair, and urine have all been used to assess levels of exposure (ATSDR, 1999a; ATSDR, 2007a). There is no
single medium that is recommended for measuring all heavy metal exposure. In other words, while blood might be the recommended medium for measuring one heavy metal, it is not recommended for measuring all heavy metals due to factors such as the half life of the specific heavy metal in blood (ATSDR, 2007a). According to Metametrix, the laboratory that conducted the analyses, “whole blood generally reflects increased or recent exposure to toxic elements” (Metametrix, 2008b).
When reading this research report, one should keep in mind that a non-experimental design with no control group was utilized. As a result,
no causal conclusions can be drawn. Rather, all that can be concluded is that following IonCleanse® sessions levels of each substance
measured in whole blood did or did not change. Any observed changes could be due to the IonCleanse® session or could be due to some
other factor that was not measured or controlled in this study.
Thirty-one people participated in the study at Colorado or North Carolina sites. General background information on the sample is reported in Tables 1 through 3 below. Prior to initiating session with the IonCleanse®, participants reported a variety of common health complaints. The
most frequently reported health complaints in the sample were joint pain, trouble sleeping, fatigue, and allergies.
Table 1. Participant Sex and State of Residence
N %
Male 15 48.4
Female 16 51.6
CO 23 74.2
NC 8 25.8
Joint pain and tremors were related to blood levels of cadmium and mercury respectively.  EMPHASIS ADDED Specifically, people with cadmium levels above the
median for the sample prior to starting the IonCleanse® sessions reported significantly more frequent joint pain than people with levels below
the median, F(1, 29) = 4.3, p < .05. People with mercury levels above the median for the sample prior to starting the IonCleanse® sessions
were significantly more likely to report experiencing tremors than people with levels below the median, X2(1, 31) = 7.1, p < .01.

A dose reponse relationship between tremors and level of accumulated mercury has been previously reported in the literature (Auger, Kofman,
Kosatsky, & Armstrong,2005).
Table 2. Frequency of Self Reported Health Symptoms
Symptom Never /
Sometimes Almost Always
/ Always
Symptom Never /
Sometimes Almost Always
/ Always
Nausea 83.9 16.1 0.0 Irritable 64.5 25.8 9.7
Diarrhea 74.2 22.6 3.2 Loss of Appetite 87.1 9.7 3.2
Edema* 80.6 12.9 3.2 Memory Loss 54.8 41.9 3.2
Joint Pain 32.3 48.4 19.4 Dehydrated 64.5 25.8 9.7
Respiratory Problems 83.9 16.1 0.0 Depressed 67.7 29.0 3.2
Constipated 67.7 25.8 6.5 Metallic Tastes 80.6 19.4 0.0
Trouble Sleeping 45.2 29.0 25.8 Itchy Skin 71.0 29.0 0.0
Headaches/Migraines 54.8 35.5 9.7 Nervous/ Anxious 54.8 38.7 6.5
Fatigue 35.5 48.4 16.1 Tremors 87.1 9.7 3.2
Allergies 45.2 35.5 19.4
*3.2% of responses were missing
Center for Research Strategies, Inc. 7
Table 3. Self Reported Lifestyle Risk, Healthy Eating, and Health Risks
N %
Lifestyle/Career Risks
Smoke Cigarettes 5 16.1
Work with Metals 10 32.3
Work with Plastics 10 32.3
Work with Chemicals 7 22.6
Healthy Eating
Eat Organic Food 12 38.7
Drink Filtered Water 26 83.9
Have a Pace Maker 0 0.0
Have a Transplanted Organ 0 0.0
Pregnant or Nursing 0 0.0
Before any analyses were conducted, all data were examined to ensure the data met the assumptions of the statistical tests that would be used. When working with small samples, these assumptions are often violated and other methods of statistical analysis must be used. In the
current dataset, there were distributional problems. To account for these, the aluminum, arsenic, lead, and mercury data were log transformed and the log transformed variables were used in all analyses. The distributions of the cadmium data could not be corrected, so non-parametric tests were used to test for significance. Raw data are presented in tables for ease of interpretation.
The goal of the statistical analyses was to determine whether levels of heavy metals measured in whole blood changed from the pre to the post-test. Pre-test samples were taken prior to initiating IonCleanse® sessions. Post-test samples were taken after the individuals received
two IonCleanse® sessions per week for 12 weeks.
Aluminum Findings

Prior to starting session, aluminum measured in whole blood varied as a function of sex, F(1, 27) = 7.3, p < .01, and state of residence, F(1,27) = 5.9, p < .02. Specifically, men had significantly higher aluminum levels than women (raw values: 93.0 vs. 67.4) and Colorado residents had significantly higher levels than North Carolina residents (raw values: 87.1 vs. 58.6). However, after 12 weeks of the IonCleanse® session there were no differences in measured levels of aluminum between these groups.
A paired-samples t-test examined whether aluminum levels measured in whole blood changed from the pre-test to the post-test. There was a significant change, t(30) = 6.0, p < .001, indicating that the level of aluminum in the whole blood samples was significantly lower after 12 weeks of session with the IonCleanse® than prior to starting the sessions. Follow-up tests indicated there was a significant change for men and women as well as residents of both states. However, the largest changes were observed in men and residents of Colorado.
Table 4. Mean (and Standard Deviation) Raw Data for Each Metal Measured at Pre and Post Test
Metal Data Mean SD Metal Data Mean SD
Aluminum Lead
Pre Test 79.8 29.6 Pre Test 13.7 6.4
Post Test 43.1 19.4 Post Test 13.2 5.9
Arsenic Mercury
Pre Test 4.6 2.3 Pre Test 1.8 1.4
Post Test 3.5 1.0 Post Test 1.8 1.2
Pre Test 0.5 0.3
Post Test 0.5 0.2
Arsenic Findings
Contrary to the aluminum data, there were no sex or state of residence differences in whole blood levels of arsenic detected in the pre or post-test data. A paired-samples t-test examined whether arsenic levels measured in whole blood changed from the pre-test to the post-test.
There was a significant effect, t(30) = 2.9, p < .01, indicating that the level of arsenic in the whole blood samples was significantly lower after 12 weeks of session with the IonCleanse® than prior to starting session.
Center for Research Strategies, Inc. 8

Cadmium Findings
Cadmium levels measured in whole blood did not differ as a function of sex or state of residence at the pre- or post-test. Cadmium levels were initially low and there was no significant change in measured levels of cadmium from the pre-test to the post-test.
Lead Findings
Lead levels measured in whole blood did not differ as a function of sex or state of residence at the pre or post test. A paired-samples t-test
found no significant difference in levels of lead prior to session compared to after session.
Mercury Findings
There was a significant main effect of sex, F(1, 27) = 8.3, p < .01, and a significant sex by state of residence interaction, F(1, 27) = 6.0, p <.02, on pretest levels of mercury. At the pretest, males had higher levels of mercury than females. However, that difference was primarily due
to participants from North Carolina. As can be seen in Table 5, pre-test mercury levels did not differ for males and females in Colorado, but males from North Carolina, had higher pre-test mercury levels than all other groups. These effects were no longer present at post-test.
Given the small sample size, this interaction should not be over interpreted.
A paired-samples t-test found no significant difference in levels of mercury prior to sessions compared to after sessions.
Table 5. Mean Levels of Mercury Showing the Main Effect of Sex and Sex by State of Residence Interaction at Pre-Test
Sex Pre Post Sex X State of Residence Pre Post
Male 2.2 2.0 Female CO 1.8 1.7
Female 1.5 1.6 Female NC 0.9 1.3
Male CO 1.8 1.8
Male NC 3.7 2.7
Manufacturers of ionic footbaths argue that the devices, along with supplementation and relaxation, assist the body in its normative process of purging itself of toxins such as heavy metals. This research report demonstrates an association between changes in the levels heavy
metals present in whole blood and the use of ionic footbaths, specifically the IonCleanse®, in conjuction with mediation and a nutritional supplement.
The current research study utilized a pre-post design with no control group to examine the association between levels of Aluminum, Arsenic,
Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury measured in whole blood prior to initiating the sessions with the IonCleanse® and after 12 weeks of sessions.
A whole blood measure of these metals typically reflects recent exposure, making it a less than ideal medium for the current study. Future planned studies will utilize urinary or hair samples to track the release of toxins.
Significant differences were found for both Aluminum and Arsenic with measured levels declining from the pre-test to the post-test period.
The aluminum findings were complicated by the presence of main effects for sex and state of residence indicating that the initial levels of exposure were higher for males and for residents of Colorado. However, aluminum declined for both males and females as well as residents
of both states over the study time period.
Findings from this initial research study can be used as a building block for future studies to explore whether ionic foot bath sessions assist the body in its natural efforts to purge toxins from the system. This initial study was limited by the non-experimental design and the use of only whole blood assays for determining exposure. Future studies can be substantially improved by the addition of a control group and by using alternative or multiple measures of toxins.
Metametrix (2008a). Toxic metals whole blood kit instructions. Retrieved June 13, 2008 from
Metametrix (2008b). Toxic metals whole – whole blood. Retrieved June 13, 2008 from
Worley, J., & Kvech, S. (n.d.). ICP-MS. Retrieved June 13, 2008 from
Center for Research Strategies, Inc. 9
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2006a, September). Aluminum CAS # 7429-90-5. Division of Toxicology and
Environmental Medicine ToxFAQs. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Retrieved May
2, 2008 from
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2006b). Toxicological report for aluminum (Draft)). Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Retrieved May 13, 2008 from
Blaurock-Busch, E. & Griffin, V. (1996). Mineral and Trace Element Analysis: Laboratory and Clinical Application. Boulder, CO: TMI/MTM
Hellstrom, H. O., Mjoberg, B., & Mallmin, H. (2005). The aluminum content of bone increases with age, but is not higher in hip fracture cases
with or without dementia compared to controls. Osteoporosis International, 16k 1982-1988.
McLachlan, D. R. C., Bergeron, C., Smith, J. E., Boomer, D., & Rifat, S. L. (1996). Risk for neuropathologically confirmed Alzheimer’s
disease and residual aluminum in municipal drinking water employing weighted residential histories. Neurology, 46, 401-405.
Meyer-Bacon, M., Schaper, M., Knapp, G., & van Thriel, C. (2007). Occupational aluminum exposure: Evidence in support of its
neurobehavioral impact. Neurotoxicology, 28, 1068-1078.
Petrela, J., de Magalhaes Camara, V., Kennedy, G., Bouyahi, B., & Zayed, J. (2001). Health effects of residential exposure to aluminum
plant air pollution. Archives of Environmental Health, 56, 456-460.
Sohler, A., Pfeiffer, C. C., & Papaioannou, R. (1981). Blood aluminum levels in a psychiatric outpatient population: High aluminum levels
related to memory loss. Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 10, 54-60.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2007a). Toxicological report for arsenic (Update). Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Retrieved May 13, 2008 from
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (2007b, August). Arsenic CAS # 7440-38-2. Division of Toxicology and Environmental
Medicine ToxFAQs. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from
Argos, M., Parvez, F., Chen, Y., Hussain, I., Momotaj, H., Howe, G. R., Graziano, J. H., & Ahsan, H. (2007). Socioeconomic status and risk
for arsenic-related skin lesions in Bangladesh. American Journal of Public Health, 97, 825-831.
Benbrahim-Tallaa, L., & Waalkes, M. P. (2008). Inorganic arsenic and human prostate cancer: Review. Environmental Health Perspectives,
116, 158-164.
Borak, J., & Hosgood, H. D. (2007). Seafood arsenic: Implications for human risk assessment. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 47,
Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] (2008). Chromated copper arsenate. Retrieved June 12, 2008 from
Lundstrom, N. G., Englyst, V., Gerhardsson, L., Jin, T., & Nordberg, G. (2006). Lung cancer development in primary smelter workers: A
nested case-referent study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 48, 376-380.
Zartarian, V. G., Xue, J., Ozkaynak, H., Dang, W., Glen, G., Smith, L., & Stallings, C. (2006). A probabilistic arsenic exposure assessment for
children who contact CCA-treated playsets and decks, Part 1: Model methodology, variability results, and model evaluation. Risk
Analysis, 26, 515-531.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1999a). Toxicological report for cadmium. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Public Health Service. Retrieved May 13, 2008 from
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (1999b, June). Cadmium CAS # 7440-43-9. Division of Toxicology and Environmental
Medicine ToxFAQs. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from
Akesson, A., Bjellerup, P., Lundh, T., Lidfeldt, J., Nerbrand, C., Samsioe, G., Skerfving, S., & Vahter, M. (2006). Cadmium-induced effects on
bone in a population-based study of women. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114, 830-834.
Akesson, A., Lundh, T., Vahter, M., Bjellerup, P., Lidfeldt, J., Nerbrand, C., Samsioe, G., Stromberg, U., & Skerfving, S. (2005). Tubular and
glomerular kidney effects in Swedish women with low environmental cadmium exposure. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113,
Barany, E., Bergdahl, I. A., Bratteby, L. E., Lundh, T., Samuelson, G., Skerfving, S., Oskarsson, A. (2005). Iron status influences trace
element levels in human blood and serum. Environmental Research, 98, 215-223.
Center for Research Strategies, Inc. 10

Friday, October 9, 2009

Gently Kiss Me Goodbye

My Dearest, You are one of my loved ones. Did you know that? It matters not whether you are family or friend, I count you among the essentials in my life . . . without you, I’m not whole. You’re part of the air that I breathe. I know I can’t give you what I have given you in the past. I know I’m not pulling my weight in our relationship. I know my strength has diminished. I know it takes all I have, to do a fraction of the things I used to do. I know I often don’t have the energy to pick up the phone to call you. I know I even forget to pick up the phone to call you. I know I don’t feel like going out to lunch or even getting out of the house; it’s not depression – it’s pain – I don’t want to use my legs any more than I have to. I know things have changed – changes beyond my control. I know my pain is real. I know it is not yet under control. I know what my pain has done to my life. I know what my pain has done to your life. I know what my pain has done to us. For all these things, I am truly sorry. If for all my prayers I could change the way things are, I surely would. Doubt it not. Can you not imagine how inadequate I must feel for having disappointed you . . . for being the one to throw off the equilibrium of “us,” for not being who I once was to you . . . for not being able to meet your needs, to do for you as I once did and always have? I haven’t fulfilled my part of the bargain, whatever that bargain is. We never discussed that, you and I. We didn’t need to. So, if you’ve decided to say goodbye to me, I ask only this of you. Please don’t do it violently or hurtfully. Please don’t complain to others about me behind my back. Please don’t seek revenge. Please don’t crush me any more than I already am. You may feel like getting back at me for having hurt you. But, please believe me. I didn’t set out to hurt you, and I’m so very sorry that you see it that way. I don’t want you to go away. But, if you must, gently kiss me goodbye. That way, I will be able to go on holding you where you belong – forever in my heart. + Please pray that Divine Mercy will shine upon all who have taken their own lives. +

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Recession Good for Your Health

Here’s my favorite part of the article:

“It is known that people tend to smoke and drink less, and they tend to eat out and drive less often, Tapia says. Although these are often for purely economic reasons, it can translate into fewer fatalities, he says.

Another theory is that in poor economic times, people come together and support one another more than they do when an economy is roaring.

‘This would improve the level of social cohesion and social support and could have a protective effect on health,’ he says.”

Read the New Blog from Egoscue Nashville

Out of the Cymbalta Haze

I had an entirely different post planned for tonight, but today something amazing happened.  I stepped out of a pharmaceutical fog and returned to my life.  Am I still experiencing symptoms of whatever it is that plagues me?  Of course, but I had no idea how detrimental the drugs I was taking to control a mere scattering of those symptoms had become until they raged their way out of my system.  Let me tell you about the last month or so of my life.

A few weeks ago the Cymbalta I was taking for fibromyalgia no one is sure I even have just stopped working.  One morning I woke up and could not move my arms.  I had flashbacks of the early days of my illness and now debilitated I was at that time and I started to cry.  After a year of fighting, was I really regressing back to square one?  I couldn’t be.  The Cymbalta had been helping; I was convinced.  I had defended these green and blue capsules when Hubby told me they were merely masking symptoms and making me crazy.  I simply denied these accusations.  Before the Cymbalta I threw a carton of eggs at him and threatened him with his own power drill.  How could this new, more mellow me be worse?  Sure, the medication made me uncontrollably sleepy a few hours after I took them but still gave me insomnia and mind racing at night, but it was helping the pain.  It was letting me return to work at least half the time.  How could this be bad?

Let me assure you, dear readers, I was not blind to the side effects that came with Cymbalta.  I had not been able to feel sex in months.  On a psychological level I enjoyed it, and my body responded to touch, but I just could not feel things happening in my body.  It was frustrating, but I was willing to accept it for the ability to walk.  Hubby sensed this, and the inevitable hardship on our relationship was evident.  In addition, sometimes I could not taste or feel my tongue.  I slurred through my announcements at work, trying to enunciate, cringing as I heard my incoherent mumble play back overhead.  I started biting my tongue and inner cheek, and the bags under my eyes darkened and sunk deeper into my sallow face.  Worst of all were my moods.  Cymbalta may have watered down my temper, but that just meant it fed my floods of irrationality and emotion without cause.  Hubby no longer wanted to be around me.  All I did was mope and yell at him.  I was miserable; everyone had to be miserable.  When Cymbalta stopped helping the pain, which was the only reason I was rationalizing the side effects, I stopped taking it.  I had been warned against quitting it cold turkey, but I was tired of feeling the way I was.  I was tired of not feeling.

The initial fallout was physical.  I was in pain for two weeks straight.  I got migraines, backaches, neck aches, gastrointestinal problems, and cramps all over my body.  I was constantly dehydrated and either slept for days at a time or could not sleep at all.  One morning I woke up to what felt like the flu.  In reality, it was my body purging itself of the last of the physical drug in my system.

Then it was time for my chemicals to balance.  Hubby could not talk to me without a fight.  I could not look at a book, a website, a TV show without uncontrollable sobbing and fits fo rage.  I screamed at Hubby, the animals, and inanimate objects alike for being in my way and frustrating me.  I hit walls and ripped up pieces of paper to try and control my temper.  I cleaned my house spotless trying to use up the extra nervous energy and anxiety the withdrawal was causing.

This weekend my system hit critical mass.  Experts will tell you that when your body is flushing itself of a toxin it will reach a point where you think you can not do it anymore.  You think you would rather just go back to the way it was with the toxin in your system rather than experiencing some of the worst pain you have ever felt.  That was how I woke up early Saturday morning.  I had a fever, chills, vomiting, and dizziness.  For two hours I camped in the bathroom praying I would pass out and forget it all ever happened.  All day Hubby and I fought about things I was blowing out of proportion.  He had been patient with me and my needs, but even he has his limits.  Two hours after we needed to be somewhere we were still curled up on the bed crying, trying to understand what was happening.  We were losing touch with each other, and something needed to change.  Eventually I pulled myself together and we headed to our engagement, but Saturday night and Sunday brought a whole new batch of issues.  I started having panic attacks and freak-out, and it grew exceedingly difficult for me to not start taking Cymbalta again.  I just could not imagine how this was ever going to end.

Monday I secluded myself to work through my emotions logically.  I weighed feelings against thoughts, and sorted out my inner file cabinet.  Yesterday I walked four and a half miles with someone I have let myself only half be myself with and learned that, yes, I can be loved, strong, and secure in myself and my marriage with her being a part of our lives, which is a post for another day.

Today I have been able to smile all day.  Today I have been alert and cognitive all day.  Today I had minimal pain despite my walk and stomach problems last night.  Today I may be slightly weaker, but today I am more stable.  Today something amazing happened.  I stepped out of a pharmaceutical fog and returned to my life.