Thursday, October 22, 2009

You Are What You EAT: Terrorism In America

So, what would you call a group of people who knowingly introduce foods into the market place that are toxic and that lead to different health problems.  You know, things like cancer, auto-immune diseases, death?  What if a foreign country were to do this to the American food supply.  Would this be an act of war?  A terrorist act?

Why, then, is the fact that American companies have done this known as good business and commerce?  Profit, success, corporate progress?  Why isn’t it terrorism?

Oh, yeah.  Because the government sanctioned it.  Thank the EPA, the FDA, and our friends–you know, people like Donald Rumsfeld.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, it’s time you did some research on Aspartame, genetic engineering (Monsanto), Round-Up Ready food, BT food, BT cotton…don’t take my word for it.

Oh, and the next time you are about to take a bite to eat, or take a sip of some non-organic beverage, I hope you realize that you might as well be eating and drinking herbicides, pesticides, e-coli, and other choice ingredients, because you are.

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