Thursday, March 11, 2010

1st half of mercury removal procedure - nitris oxide? YES PLEASE!!!

Hi All!

I’m still having a little difficulty chewing on the right side — something to be expected after someone diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue & TMJ had 5 mercury/amalgam fillings removed & replaced with composite!  I am pleased with De. Devening and his staff, despite the discomfort of the dental work. The procedure wasn’t as bad as one of my “normal FMS/TMJ flares” so I’m pretty impressed!  Dr. Devening gave me nitris oxide before putting a topical numbing on my gums, BEFORE injecting me with novacaine in 3 places.  He and his staff did their best to keep me as comfortable as possible, but with FMS/CFS/TMJ one is rarely comfortable to begin with — sooo.  Maybe by tomorrow or Friday my right jaw will be back to the way it was before the procedure.  I definitely like the look of the new fillings, well — the fact that you can’t see them I should say!

In 3 weeks I get to do this all over again on the left side of my mouth & it will be DONE!!! The dental work part that is — I’ll still be detoxing, but at least I won’t be absorbing any NEW mercury from my fillings at that point.  I will also receive my NTI-tss at that time — it’s a little spongy-type thingy that fits on your front teeth at night rather than wearing a night guard.  It takes all of the tension out of the muscles/tendons near the TMJ — I can’t wait to get it!  Dr. Devening’s office can tell you more about it, I couldn’t find a website on the brochure.  Dr. Devening’s number is (540) 463-2134.  His office is located at 112-A Houston St., Lexington VA  24450.  I’ve been wearing the old-timey hard acrylic “bite guard” for TMJ for over 20 years & was still waking up with my jaws hurting from clenching & grinding my teeth all night.  This will end that — YES!!!

I just cannot express in writing how excited I am to have found out about the mercury filling problem and the NTI-tss device.  Recovery is a step by step process & these 2 are huge!  To find out more about mercury poisoning you can go to or call DAMS at (651) 644-4572.  I believe they also have a listing of Dentists who perform the mercury/amalgam filling removal properly.  If you live within 2 hours of Lexington VA, I highly recommend Dr. Devening and his staff.

Here’s to restoring our health!

Much Love & Many Blessings,

Karla Setchel


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