Thursday, March 4, 2010

Doctors Appointment 3/3/10

I went to the doctor yesterday to let him know that the Gabapentin didn’t work out for me. This was no surprise as I’m sensitive to most medications. I brought with me a typed (two page) list of what’s been going on because I knew I would forget something otherwise. He ordered a sleep study for me, to make sure something isn’t going on there. He also is going to order an MRI to rule out MS. He doesn’t think I have MS, but with the cognitive stuff going on with me, and my balance issues (or lack there of) he wants to check and rule out anything else. He suggested that I likely have chronic fatigue as well as fibromyalgia. This isn’t a big surprise for me as I have battled with fatigue since high school and from what I’ve been reading they often go together. This would explain my extreme fatigue.

For lack of better options I have decided to go vegan again as well as gluten free. I want to try it for a month and see if there is a difference in my energy level. It’s all I can think of doing.

My doctor was optimistic, saying this all wasn’t something FOREVER…because eventually the treatments for fibromyalgia will become more affordable and they will understand the disease better. He was interested to hear that my mom had been diagnosed with it as well. I now worry about Claire who now has a predisposition for it on both sides of the family (my husbands, and mine) But maybe if I do all I can…I can learn to manage it.  In the mean time my doctor suggested I file for disability. hmmm.


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