Thursday, December 17, 2009

One of Those Days

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” (Psalm 54:5 NIV)

I’m having one of those days. You know the kind. A day where there are multiple pain sites on my body, some of them severe enough to slow me down. A day where between the pain and fatigue, I realize I’m just not up to par and I can feel my plans for the day slipping away into the realm of “not possible.” What to do?

One thing we all can always do and my first step today is to give thanks. I’m thankful I don’t have as many days like this as I used to in the past. I’m thankful my physical situation isn’t worse. Truly.

I know of someone facing back surgery, a pastor friend in pain with a kidney stone, a friend just diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and another one waiting for a liver transplant. We all know others in pain. While their pain doesn’t minimize ours, it’s important we not get too inward even if we’re hurting. It helps when we pray for others.

After securing a thankful heart, we can walk in faith. We can choose to believe the Lord is actually our help, meaning He will help us accomplish all we need to do. This is the time to exercise faith for the To Do list. I have a lot on that list this week and I can’t afford to lose a day, but I’m not going to worry. Instead, I ask the Lord for help and then choose to believe everything that needs to get done will get done.

And let’s trust Him. As we meditate on the verse above and even speak it out loud, we will build our trust. The Lord is the One who sustains us. He is with us and we can rest in His sustaining power.

Praise the Lord! Whatever happens or doesn’t happen today, we can rejoice not only in His strength, but also in the fact He extends that strength to us.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your help and grace available to us today.


Erica Faraone lives in Whitefish, MT with her husband, Scott, and their three teenagers. Erica has Fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and inappropriate sinus tachycardia. She has also dealt with infertility, migraines, TMJ and depression, but she gives God glory for much improved health. The Lord is her strength and her song! Connect with Erica at http://ericafa


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