Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stabilized Molecules Rocking Wellness Industry-Rocking My World

Stabilized Molecules Rocking Wellness Industry

Rocking My World

They said it could not be done…..stabilizing Reactive Molecules? Many of the country’s finest University Research Departments looked very carefully at the incredible discovery.

One by one they said “That’s Impossible! It cannot be done!

After 16 years of research… and 17 Patents

These same scientists said


When I heard this I had to try it…here’s why:

Though not a scientist myself, I consider myself very qualified to speak about the personal evaluation of  wellness products. Being a patient of traditional western medical treatment, I can also speak on what years of medication can do to a body. Many of these products for which I was told would do me great good, only let down time and time again.  I had success with a couple, usually the ones on the cutting edge. But for the most part, many products I found were alike in what they promised, what they contained, and what they delivered. I will say that I was drawn to the Network marketing Industry out of a real necessity to earn an income from home. Secondly I found that some of these products worked on others, but not on me. I guess I am a very tough case. You can imagine how disappointing that would be over time, especially when trying to build a business as well.

In 1992 after a two year ordeal of not knowing what was wrong with me, I was tagged (what I know now as a misdiagnoses) with a “clinical diagnoses” of Multiple Sclerosis. Numerous tests, scans, and MRI’s ruled out Lupus, Lyme Disease, Parkinson’s, and a Brain Tumor but did find  minimal scars on my brain and spinal cord. At that time there was no such thing as Chronic Fatigue syndrome, Epstein Barr Virus, or Fibromyalgia.. In my quest to get well, it became apparent that I had to empower myself to manage my pain, or I would be hopelessly chained to pain meds for life.

I have been prescribed so much medication that I dare say it has wrecked my liver. Much of the medication has been given to help with the pain. But others have been given to counteract the side effects of the original medication, which caused depression, sleeplessness, skin rashes, or weight gain.

I have lived with terrible constipation and such a slow digestive process that I have felt like a walking toxic waste dump. Unless I used a product with natural fiber, and ingredients like cascara sagrada, senna, slippery elm etc, I would be ‘stopped up, eliminating only once to twice a week.. The more constipated I was, the more toxic I felt. This is where I put together the connection to migraine headaches. Mind you this is purely my own personal diagnoses of myself. I have been to so many doctors, and they have not done a much better job except keeping me on drugs. I began to experience chronic migraine headaches about the same time I was on the most medication and was so constipated. I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that INTERNAL POLLUTION levels in my body have always been very high.

The most wonderful thing I have ever found to keep my system hydrated, alkalized and oxygenated is kangen water. I learned that fibromyalgia was nothing more than an extreme symptom of acidity, and once the acidity was gone, the symptoms would subside, and they did, (the fibromyalgia)

Migraines and constipation have been more complicated, and I think it’s because of all the medication I have been on for so long. I knew that to get off the medication and clean my system at the CELLULAR LEVEL, would require a miraculous product to come into my life. As I learned about acidity and alkalinity I felt I was really on to something , and my cells had a fighting chance of being released from being submerged in years and years of internal pollution.

It’s like a fish tank. We feed our fish, they poop….and poop…and if we don’t change the water what happens? We walk in one day an nemo is floating on the top of the tank! We don’t give nemo a pill if he gets sick right? We change the internal pollution!!

Along those same lines I learned about a body of science that has been studied very intensely in the last 7 or 8 years called Redox Signaling. You can look it up, but the simple explanation is that our cells are basically little packets of salt water, with a complex communication system within them. Scientists figured out a way to actually suspend the  REACTIVE MOLECULES in a salt water solution, so it is shelf stable. That is what many scientists said could not be done!

When I started on this reactive molecule product, ASEA, the first thing I noticed was increased elimination. I went from twice a week, to twice a day! That is unheard of for my body. The big deal for me is that all the toxicity is moving out of my body! Secondly, I am having fewer and fewer headaches and at some point soon, I am confident they will be gone entirely* I have NEVER been MORE HOPEFUL about a product for my health or for the health of those I care about. ASEA will change the Wellness Industry, not for what it is…but more for what it is not!! We don’t need another Juice!

Get Ready to be very excited..You can go to if you can’t wait!

The following is a complete explanation of the technology, and the exciting Story of ASEA!

Stabilized Reactive Molecules A New Scientific Break Through That Can Dramatically Improve Your Health & Athletic Performance For the first time scientists have been able to form balanced reactive molecules outside the body. It has taken 16 years of research and many millions of dollars to make this major breakthrough in the field of natural health supplements.

Interestingly, ASEA is not a vitamin, mineral, antioxidant, juice or energy drink, yet it dramatically improves the efficacy of all of these in the body.

This exciting scientific breakthrough can have a direct impact on improving your health and significantly increasing your athletic performance!

Reactive Molecules & Anti-oxidants

Anti-oxidants protect us from free radical damage and aging. However, anti-oxidants cannot function properly in our bodies without balanced reactive molecules to trigger them.

As we age the cells in our body produce fewer and fewer reactive molecules. This is one reason why as we grow older it takes longer to heal from an injury or recover from an illness. Our body needs to maintain a proper chemical balance of these reactive molecules at all times in order to sustain optimum health.

Fortunately, there is now a safe, natural way to supplement the body’s production of balanced reactive molecules. A revolutionary new health supplement has been developed as a result of this scientific research. The product is called Asea. It comes in liquid form and is easily assimilated by the body. There is no other natural health supplement like it in the world!

Health Benefits of Asea

Asea mirrors the balanced reactive molecules that are produced naturally by our bodies. This revolutionary new product can benefit your health and athletic performance in the following ways:

  • ASEA stimulates the production of anti-oxidants. This product turns on and activates the anti-oxidants in our body and can make them 500% more effective.
  • Asea has zero levels of toxicity.
  • VO2 Max Test results, showed that participants had an average increase of 12% in their ventilatory threshold, lower average heart rate and less soreness and fatigue after a workout.
  • Accelerates the body’s production of its own antioxidants such as gluthathione, SOD and catalase.
More Health Benefits of Asea…
  • Natural body detoxification
  • Fortifies and protects your cells
  • Reduces body inflammation
  • Helps the cells achieve their natural healthy balance
  • It empowers the cells at the molecular level

Many athletes are setting new personal bests and are reporting a marked decrease in recovery time after a heavy workout by taking Asea on a regular basis.

The product is not available in health food stores or at your local supermarket. This new super supplement is exclusive to the Asea Corporation and its independent distributors.

How Does Asea Work?

ATP is the body’s natural source of energy and is produced by mitochondria (rod shaped organelles within each cell). The mitochondria produce two sets of reactive molecules. The first group of reactive molecules activates the anti-oxidants in our bodies. Without these reactive molecules the anti-oxidants are powerless to act.

The second set of reactive molecules is referred to as immune system communicators. These reactive molecules communicate with and signal the immune system to respond to active threats to each cell or groups of cells.

These two sets of reactive molecules need to be in proper balance one with the other in order to be effective. When these reactive molecules are in balance they help the immune system and the cells of the body to communicate clearly with one another.

Reactive Molecules and Autoimmune Disease

In the last twenty years there has been a dramatic increase in the incidence of auto-immune diseases. Auto-immune disease occurs when the cells in the body do not communicate with each other.

When the immune system is called on by the body to deal with toxins and if there is poor cellular communication it may attack the good cells as well as the harmful ones. This is what happens inside the body to those individuals who suffer from psoriasis, for example. The immune system is attacking the body. This is an indication that the body is suffering from a lack of balanced reactive molecules.

* Please note that the statements made here, and information provided in this article has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Nothing stated here is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician or other health-care professional and should in no case be construed as individual medical advice. The testimonials on this blog are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results

For more information: Go to


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