Sunday, February 14, 2010

one of those days

Hello all this morning started off good I even had got some cleaning done. When Joe got off work we tried to go shopping. We started out at K-mart and didn’t find anything, from there went to wal-mart it was to packed to even try to shop. Why is it everyone waits till the day before Valentines day to go shopping? Then I took him and all three kids out to eat. They decided they wanted kfc. Ewe not one I would have chose but I go along with it and didn’t complain. (Giving self a pat on the back) Joe then decides to go to capitol, which is a music store. We walked in I lasted a whole 5 minutes in there and had to go to the van why he looked for his cds he wanted. They were burning incents in there and the smell gave me a instant headache and made me sick. What a lovely affect and this is the only music store in town. I hate the fibromyalgia symptoms and the way it affects me sometimes. Now the headache has moved to my jaw which makes for a lovely night. Hope everyone is having a good day.


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