Friday, September 25, 2009

5HTP update - The Dream of the Crazy Penguin

I have been taking 5HTP for my fibromyalgia now for several weeks, and my overall verdict is that IT WORKS! My sleep pattern has improved enormously … although Spain did cause a temporary blip! I now get to sleep far more quickly and easily than ever before, and generally if (when) I wake up in the night, I find it easier to get back to sleep than I used to.

I must also be getting better quality sleep because my dreams are SO much less interesting on the whole! I think this is because I’m having less dreams and more deep sleep.

Just to give you an idea of the difference in dreams, here’s a pre-5HTP typical dream:

Pollyanna Penguin is driving along a 5-lane motorway and suddenly realises she’s lost. Cars are whizzing past on both sides. PP panics, starts to swerve … but it’s OK, suddenly the car is flying. Weee … PP still doesn’t know where she’s going but sails happily over the rest of the cars to a beautiful tropical island. Suddenly hubby is in the car too. They land and … do what penguins and their hubbies like best for a while, before realising the cats are missing. Then a huge panicked chase and attempt at cat herding ensues with much yelling and running around. (At this point … if not before, I’m usually tossing and turning in the bed, throwing the covers around and shouting my head off.)

Post 5HTP dream:

Pollyanna Penguin is driving along a 5-lane motorway and suddenly realises she’s lost. Cars are whizzing past on both sides. PP pulls over and wakes hubby up and gets him to look at a map. They work out where they’re going, hubby takes over the driving and PP admires the view. The end.

It’s a bit boring but so much more restful – my fatigue problems are definitely reduced these days. I can cope with a few boring dreams if I feel this much better for it!

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