Saturday, September 12, 2009

I love my 2nd job

Just to refresh the memories of ya’ll, I moved to part-time at my job and got a second job working at a doggie daycare.


This feels like one of the best things to ever happen to me.  I think I’ve picked up poop 50+ times this week and I don’t even care.  Also I smell like bleach right now, & I don’t care.  Yup, the girl who quit swimming at the gym and bought a shower head water filter to avoid chlorine will happily bleach everything if it means she gets to work with dogs.

Sorry for writing in the 3rd person.

I am going to knock on about five hundred pieces of wood after typing this, but here goes.

I think my fibromyalgia is going into remission. I’m not 100% there yet, but this feels like partial remission, and it feels great, and I think a lot of it has to do with my job.

Do you know how much exercise is built into my day now that I have a job that involves never sitting down?  Also I get to be outside in the sun while working (at least for now while the weather’s warm).  And I get to be around dogs, which has some stressful moments, but for the most part is very awesome and relaxing my jangled nerves to no end.

I wake up early now, naturally.  And it might have taken 28 years, but waking up early isn’t terribly hard any more.

My doctor told me exercise would help with fibromyalgia, and I was trying, but yoga and walks around the block just weren’t cutting it.  I feel confident saying that I don’t think humans are meant to spent 8 hours a day sitting down, and I don’t think 30 or 60 minutes of movement a day is enough.

Different strokes for different folks, I know, but I’d rather spend the 8 hours up and at ‘em and let the time in front of a screen be my down time.  Sitting on my butt in front of a screen cannot be both work and free time.  Moving for an hour per day is not enough for this body I’ve been given.

I could repeat that three hundred times and still feel like I’m not getting the point across.

My sleep is better.  I haven’t weighed myself, but feel confident I’m losing weight.  My mood is better.  Everything is better.  Still on the spirituality tip and think this is a result of that, but it’s just this beautiful mixture of that leading to this job leading to who knows what and having good results all over the place.  Finally, an upward spiral!

Let’s just say that I’m pretty happy with where things are right now, and also excited to see what is coming next.  My work is being AWESOME about dog training, which means I’ll get to go through a beginning obedience class with Cockroach, FOR FREE.  I figure that’ll give me a chance to see if I’d like to make a career out of it.

By the way, I even enjoy mopping the floor at the daycare and feel like it’s a joyful meditation.  HAVE I LOST MY MIND?


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