Saturday, September 5, 2009

To clean or not to clean? That is the question

Usually Mondays I go through and do a lot of cleaning, all the big stuff. sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, bedding, dusting, scrubbing bathrooms and so on. This past Monday I just couldn’t do it. My energizer battery wasn’t even close to being charged, So today feeling a bit better with just a tad more energy I decided to do the big clean. Mistake! When scrubbing the tub my arms felt like lead, so I decided maybe I should split my big cleaning day into two days.

I find myself getting very resentful of the other two female adults living in the house (both over 30) who do nothing, and when I say nothing I am not exaggerating. I find it disrespectful towards their father who has let them live here, helped them in any way he can. I find it harder and harder to keep quiet about this, even though I have spoken to their father more than once. Live in maid I am not, or am I? Why should I have to do it all plus take care of my daughter (age 7) and try to keep up in school full time? I am worn out.. So tired I can hardly stand it, staying awake is a chore. I have no help except from a man who works ten hour days and shouldn’t have to come home and clean, when there are three capable adults to do it.

I wonder what Dear Abby would advise me to do?


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