Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quick and Natural Relievers For the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Quick and Natural Relievers For the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

By]Jessie Mcknight

Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome. Doctors do not consider it a disease because they cannot find a single, underlying cause of this condition that they need to cure. But the symptoms of fibromyalgia are numerous and sometimes, seemingly unrelated to one another. Fortunately, there are easier and inexpensive ways of relieving these symptoms than there are symptoms themselves. Here are some of them of these natural relievers:

1. Improve your diet. No scientific evidence exists that a healthy diet is directly related to reduce symptom flares, but many patients have found that a better diet can help relieve pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia. Foods rich in Vitamin B-12 and Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are a big help in minimizing nerve problems such as tingling, numbing, and sensitivity. Fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in Vitamin C, are also recommended because they help boost the immune system to reduce pain.

2. Exercise. It can be difficult at first because of the pain felt by fibromyalgia sufferers. But it is beneficial in the long run because it helps ease muscle stiffness and increase energy. Also, lack of exercise only worsens the problem because the muscles are weakened due to inactivity. You are expected to start out slow, with only 5-10 minutes of a low-impact exercise such as walking or swimming. By the time you get used to it, you should be able to perform up to 30 minutes of light aerobic exercise at least three times a week.

3. Observe healthy sleep habits. There is no doubt about it – you need to have better sleep. One of the best things to do is to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. This helps establish a natural rhythm that allows your body to recognize the time for sleep and waking up. Do your best to avoid napping during the day, even when you feel really tired, and consuming food and beverages that have stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, and chocolate.

4. Turn up the heat. Heat therapy is a popular form of treatment for relieving pain, soreness, and stiff muscles. Heat is effective because it dilates blood vessels, allowing blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to rush in. Heat therapy doesn’t need to be expensive. In fact, it can be done right at home. One of the cheapest and easiest ways to do this is by using hot packs you can buy from a drugstore or you made on your own. Simply place the hot pack over the tender point for eight to 10 minutes then stretch out the muscle afterward. Whirlpool baths are also helpful and luxurious as they offer deep heat penetration and a free massage to work out the tense muscles.

5. Practice meditation. Meditation helps people relax and reach a state of calmness where they can concentrate on things other than those that are painful to think about. Research has proven that patients who meditated regularly exhibited better control over the symptoms of fibromyalgia. This is because meditation helps relieve stress, decrease mood swings, reduce pain, and improve overall sleep patterns.

Jessie Mcknight is an expert in fibromyalgia treatment. Learn how to eliminate the symptoms of fibromyalgia from your life today by visiting Banish Fibromyalgia

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